I recently woke up with one of my eyes swollen shut. When I walked to the mirror, I saw my whole face was bright red – I didn’t recognise myself. I’ve never had an allergic reaction before: I could tell that was what this was, but had no idea what had triggered it.
I called 111, and by the time someone called back two hours later, I’d broken out in a rash spreading down my neck and onto my chest. My mind was racing over anything I’d done, anything new I’d tried in the past 24 hours.
I googled pictures of spider bites, but I didn’t have any lumps or anything sore. Also I live in The Mumbles, not the Australian outback. The Chinese takeaway from the night before did taste different than usual despite being my regular order. Maybe there was something different in it?
An out-of-hours GP service diagnosed an allergic reaction, and arranged a prescription over the phone for a strong antihistamine and a steroid cream. Waiting in the queue in Boots with my giant face, a child standing next to me was pulled away by her father, as if I might be infectious. By this point I was starting to feel seriously unwell, and lay down on some chairs, wondering how long I had before my throat started closing up.
I got home, took the medication and went to sleep. When I woke up the swelling had massively reduced – though the rash was still there, and continued to spread all over my back. After having a look, my GP referred me for blood tests, but when I asked for an allergy test he said no.
“They won’t do it for one reaction,” he said, like it was ridiculous of me to ask. I was confused and alarmed to hear that I could have a reaction like this out of the blue – and then not be helped to find out what had triggered it. What will happen to me next time? How many reactions will I need to have before it’s taken seriously? Could this kill me next time?
My experience is not unusual: all kinds of adult-onset allergies seem to be on the rise. My husband has hayfever for the first time in his life and last year developed asthma. He needs an inhaler now – as do two of his friends. A cousin found she is now allergic to cucumber, after a pricey test at a private hospital. The evidence is not just anecdotal.
The rise in allergies is now recognised as a global health issue by the World Health Organisation, and it predicts by 2025 half of the EU will be affected. According to Allergy UK, we have some of the highest rates of allergies in the world here in the UK. Hospital admissions for life threatening allergic reactions have more than doubled in England, and allergies and related conditions cost the NHS an estimated £1 billion a year, according to Allergy UK.
Last week, a major report by the Food Standards Agency found one in 20 adults have a confirmed food allergy, and nearly a third have food sensitivities – many more than previously thought. Researchers found the most common allergies were to peanuts and tree nuts, such as hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds. Many individuals also had allergies to fresh fruits including apples. Milk and fish allergies were less common.
Professor Syed Hasan Arshad, chair in allergy and clinical immunology at the University of Southampton, says the results of the study were much higher than were expected. “We know generally adult allergies have been increasing over the last few decades, but to see it at six per cent of the population is higher than we previously thought. In the 80s, it was at one to two per cent so we expected it to be at three to four per cent.” And what is causing it? “There are a multitude of factors”, says Professor Arshad, including diet, exposure and urbanisation.
In the 1990s, children in the UK were eating a smaller range of food than today, and the advice was to avoid peanuts if a parent had an allergy. Now we know that advice was counteractive and the opposite advice is given. Early exposure is important in prevention. Those children from the 90s are adults now and they’re exposed to a much wider range of foods. This lack of exposure in early life to different foods is one explanation. “When we look at different cultures, we can see that children who are exposed to a wide range of foods from an early age don’t go on to develop allergies to them as adults.”
As a 90s baby myself, maybe a diet of pasta bakes and ham sandwiches is to blame now I’m eating global cuisine as an adult. The spread of pakora, falafel, hummus, couscous and chutneys I make my family for lunch now is definitely not something I would have seen in the 90s. I don’t think you’d even have been able to buy it in the supermarkets.
“Another explanation is urbanisation, with people moving to cities from villages. The evidence for this is huge. China is a good example. Where allergies were once uncommon, now they have exploded – and the increase is in proportion with urbanisation. We live a lot differently than we did 50 to 100 years ago, with less open space, less animals and more cleaning products. You could say we’re too clean for our own good; we don’t have the same exposure to bacteria.”
In addition to this, global warming is playing a factor. “[It’s] changing the proteins in pollen and we’re seeing a lot more of pollen food syndrome. When I started my career, cases were very rare; now it’s not. Pollen proteins have changed with the climate. This could then cause a food allergy, because things like nuts, fruits and seeds have the same proteins as pollen. Your body thinks you’re eating polle, and you’ll experience a tingling and itching in the mouth.”
Professor Robin May, chief scientific adviser at the Food Standards Agency, says that a change in diets might also be contributing. “The emergence of plant-based allergies is important for us to consider as we’ve seen the food system move towards plant-based diets and alternative proteins.” Allergy UK is calling for increased investment in research and treatments.
With no answers or testing, I still don’t know what happened to me or if it will happen again. All I know is that it hasn’t happened yet. I said goodbye forever to my favourite Chinese restaurant and now only eat food I’ve made at home. I’m too afraid to eat out anywhere and probably won’t until I get an answer. If, like me, you struggle with an answer, Julianne Ponan MBE, allergy campaigner and owner of Creative Nature, an allergen-free snack brand, says it is important to push your GP for testing. “You really need to advocate for yourself.
“It’s hard when you’re having a reaction, but if you feel well enough, take pictures, document it and keep a food diary for two to three weeks. You have to prove that you’re having a reaction. You can then show that to your doctor to push them for a referral.”
There is also the option of buying an online test and sending it off – but how am I to know which to trust? Is it worth spending £200 or £20, and are they any good? I’ll be following Ms Ponan’s advice and keeping a food diary to try to work it out and push for testing.